Wednesday, August 31, 2011

SIU: Not a 'good news kind of unit' | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

SIU: Not a 'good news kind of unit' | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
I may be a libertarian but I believe in following the dictates of the law. But it's becoming increasingly difficult when examples like this are so pervasive.
Constantly I read that police refuse to be interviewed after an incident. Yet they expect and encourage us, the public, to step up and 'do the right thing'!
It seemed to me like hypocrisy, until recently when I watched a lawyer explain it on You Tube. Once you make a statement, he said, a skilled lawyer or
experienced policeman can make it seem like anything they want, no matter how carefully you phrase it. Our compulsion to exonerate ourselves hangs us as well.
OY! The times they are a'changin'.

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